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Insights from The Innovation Garage®

Conversations, Articles, and Podcasts with The Innovation Garage and Collaboration Partners focused on Strategy, Leadership, Innovation and Supply Chain.

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Stay up to date with regular updates and writings related to trends in Strategy, Leadership, Innovation & Supply Chain.

Supply Chain Megatrend Strategies for 2032

Reshoring Initiative® and The Innovation Garage®


Harry Moser of Reshoring Initiaive®, and Jon Washington have a conversation about Megatrends impacting Global Supply Chains. The 30 minute conversation focuses on what supply chain and procurement teams need to do over the long term to mitigate supply chain disruptions.

Leading for Growth Series

2021 Leading for Growth Strategies


Are you looking to gain insights that will help build the capability of your individual #leadership skills to execute and lead others more effectively?

Building from our well received Energy into Uncertainty series, sign up and join The Innovation Garage® for this 30 minute webinar.

We are sharing case stories of what it takes for your organization to put energy into uncertainty AND better manage your #innovation, #growth and #execution capability.

In this 30 minute session, we will share tales of the organizational #mindset that drives out uncertainty.

The cases will provide an overview of the steps client teams are actively taking to drive energy into #uncertainty from their current business situations.

This will help you craft a #strategy focused on solving customer challenges.

Leading for Growth Series

A Tale of Two Mindsets


Are you looking to gain insights that will help build the capability of your individual #leadership skills to execute and lead others more effectively?

Building from our well received Energy into Uncertainty series, sign up and join The Innovation Garage® for this 30 minute webinar.

We are sharing case stories of what it takes for your organization to put energy into uncertainty AND better manage your #innovation, #growth and #execution capability.

In this 30 minute session, we will share tales of the organizational #mindset that drives out uncertainty.

The cases will provide an overview of the steps client teams are actively taking to drive energy into #uncertainty from their current business situations.

This will help you craft a #strategy focused on solving customer challenges.

Leading for Growth Series

Mission Innovation Podcast: How do you Measure Innovation?


Interested in a listening in on  a conversation of where to start when it comes to measuring #innovation for your organization?

Mission: Innovation’s very own Caitlyn Lewis reached out to The Innovation Garage® for a discussion on that very topic for the most recent episode of her Mission: Innovation Podcast.

Caitlyn, a colleague based in the UK, is founder of Mission: Innovation, an innovation transformation consultancy that works with leadership teams to develop their organisation’s innovation ecosystem.

In our discussion, we explore performance management, short, medium and long term measures, and how each organization has unique needs of measurement based on their individual innovation ecosystems.

“Performance management and measurement has a bad name. But when it’s done well, it can help us figure out what’s working and where we need to focus on improvement. It’s hard enough to get right for business as usual and even harder to find a system that doesn’t just monitor innovation, but powers it.  Jon Washington, the founder of The Innovation Garage, and I work out where to start and what to consider when it comes to measuring innovation.”

Leading for Growth Series

Energy into Uncertainty: Steps for Business Continuity and Supply Chain Resiliency


In talks with our partner Baldwin Wallace University educators we found similarity in that many of our clients have experienced supply chain disruptions that require business continuity development and recovery plans.

With this, they are discovering that it is not necessarily what happens around you or to you, but rather, how you will respond, recover and lead others through it. In this session we discuss 5 steps to help your organization focus on business continuity and supply chain resiliency.

Energy Into Uncertainty: 5 Steps for Business Continuity & Supply Chain Resiliency

Leading for Growth Series

Foundational Strategies for Leaders


Are you looking to gain insights that will help build the capability of your team to execute more effectively?

Join The Innovation Garage® for this 30 minute video broadcast to understand what it takes for your organization to better manage its innovation, growth and execution capability.

In this 30 minute session, you will learn three focus areas to further explore that will help you craft compelling strategies to lead your teams, and execute impactful opportunities for your organization:

1) Why it is important to understand the foundational elements of mindset, grit, and neuroscience.

2) Why understanding diffusion and innovation mindset and will help you better lead others.

3) Why understanding a blend of soft skills and hard skills is necessary to build effective teams and cultures.

DFM Summit Conversation

The Founders Forum

In this short clip from the DFM Summit, Jon Hershtick (founder of SolidWorks & OnShape), Jon Washington (founder of The Innovation Garage), and Ben Gebhardt (co-founder of Refractory) discuss Design to Cost technology and how it can help product design and development once adopted and embraced by development teams.

The Art of Procurement Conversation

Innovation Broker: Procurement’s Next Frontier

Art of Procurement is the leading source for procurement professionals and leaders to learn from peers and elevate their impact.

It was launched in 2015 by Philip Ideson, a long-time procurement professional, for fellow procurement professionals.

It is critical in infuse system based thinking into the pursuit of supplier enabled innovation. Systems to create ideas, systems to communicate them, and systems to commercialize them. That will scale into a future of innovation.  You want to encourage a culture that can fail fast and do small scale experiments on innovation that limits the risk.”

In this episode, Phillip and Jon have a conversation around the following areas:

  • How The Innovation Garage® defines innovation
  • Why innovation is a lot broader than just product design
  • 5 elements that are key to infusing innovation into an organization
  • The importance of mindset in shifting from a savings-first focus to one that encompasses other value levers
  • Why The Innovation Garage® Team  believes that procurement is perfectly positioned to be innovation brokers
  • Why repetition breeds culture, and how that applies to innovation.
  • How enabling internal innovation pioneers to flourish encourages others to follow their lead.

CPO Summit Conversation

The Innovation Economy

Russell Goodman, Editor In Chief of SupplyChainBrain and Jon Washington have a conversation at Aberdeen’s Chief Procurement Officers Summit. Great discussion on The Innovation Economy and what leadership teams can do to be prepared.

This video first appeared on SupplyChainBrain.

Co-Engineered by Procurement

Paul Teague of Procurement Leaders writes about procurement & procurement engineering teams helping to drive design. Interviews with industry leaders, Jon, his past corporate work & The Innovation Garage® are discussed in the piece.

This article is available on request from The Innovation Garage®.

Procurement Leaders Forum

Looking beyond the supply base for innovation

Paul Teague offers comments from a Procurement Leaders‘ Boston Forum roundtable discussion on Open Innovation in 2013 moderated by David Rae from Procurement Leaders. Participants included Steve Baggot from P&G, John Klein from Avery Dennison, and Jon Washington.

Supply Chain Forum Conversation

Driving Innovation & Value with Collaboration

Jean Murphy, Editor Emeritus from SupplyChainBrain, and Jon Washington have a conversation about supplier innovation & collaboration. Great discussion on how supply chain teams can capture the capacity of the supply chain.

This video first appeared on SupplyChainBrain.

Innovation Forum Article

Driving Innovation & Value with Collaboration

True supplier collaboration can drive innovation and value, but success depends upon a foundation of trust that enables partners to effectively deal with intellectual property rights.

This article was originally published for SupplyChainBrain.
