Innovation Basics for Business – Extended Play with the BBB – Akron, OH

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Join Us in Akron, OH!

Wednesday 20 April with BBB Accredited Businesses

AB Exclusive: Extended Play 

And you don’t even need a quarter!

Innovation 201*

 How to Imagine, Generate Ideas, and Solve Problems

Jon Washington will be back to help us dive deeper into the topic of INNOVATION. Along with a review of the basics from Innovation 101 (those of you who were here know how good this teaching is), Jon will cover:

The importance of overcoming fear within your company and teams.

The power of diversity in your thinking.

World-class methods and tactics to execute your plan.

You’ll leave this interactive workshop with some simple strategies that you can make “real” in your business, starting today.

*Innovation 101 is not a prerequisite for this course 🙂

WHEN: Wednesday, April 20

TIME: 7:30-8 am Breakfast and Conversation
8-10:30 am Program and Q&A (lots of time!)
Stay if you can. Leave if you must.
We’re informal.

WHERE: 222 West Market Street, Akron 44303

RSVP TO JUDY DESHON: Yes, I would like to attend

At The Innovation Garage® we help companies become more profitable. We build strategy. We build ideas and coach innovation capability of teams. We design products, services and supply chains. We guide leaders from startup to the Global Fortune 50 to intentionally self-disrupt their offerings and companies. We provide world-class education, tools, and technology on how to craft innovation operating systems focused on long-term profitable growth.

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