Leading for Growth – It's Mindset that Matters.

sign not why we can't, but how we can!

This sign hangs in a client’s inventory warehouse.  It caught our attention and we thought it would be helpful to share with you.

Being with creative and growth focused teams in all sizes and types of organizations is an honor that we treasure.

It brings to mind a key principle for organizations looking to change their culture and grow. It’s all about mindset.

“Whether you believe you can, or believe you can’t – you’re right!”

Henry Ford

We’ve spent time with 3 very different types of organizations over the last 120+ days.

panorama workshop 2202
  1. The first, a mid-market privately held. This organization has some great opportunities in front of it. Their situation is the most awesome and rare opportunity. It’s very difficult to make happen, and happens only once or twice in the lifetime of an organization. It’s the New-New-New trifecta. New product +New technologies + New Market.
  2. The second, a larger well-established government organization that knows that it needs to innovate and think differently.
  3. The third, another mid-market privately held looking to deliver more value to its B2B customers by deeply understanding their customer experience (CX).

A common thread with each, is the similarity in qualities of their organizational leadership. Each desires to be a learning organization. Each provides opportunities for their team to learn and get smarter. Each wants the organization to grow.  Each recognizes they need some support and help from some experts to train up their teams.

The leaders are thinking about the development of their teams, and yes, even their very own leadership legacy. They are actively working transition planning to make it better for the leaders that will eventually come up to replace them.

What makes each unique is that the leaders are actively working on their internal leadership mindset. They are pushing themselves to think differently, and encouraging their teams to do the same.
learn mind map with empathy, opportunity, effort, trust, wants/needs, and aspiration

Not only did each leader train with their teams, each expressed on a very personal level, why they believe first and have faith in their team to make it happen.
Each leader, in leading by example in their own unique way, is teaching their team to do the following:

Have faith. Make a choice. Take action. Learn. Then practice.

You want to think more creatively? Take action, learn, then practice.

You want to grow your organization for the good? Be it net margin, or impact with others…take action, learn, & practice.
Have faith. Take action. Learn. Practice. Then watch what happens.

If you are looking to understand more of what the mindset shift can look like, consider attending our upcoming Q4 education programs, scheduled for October and November.

Here’s three ways on how you can learn more:

Leading for Growth Webinar – 02 October 2018 12:15PM EST

Sign up and join The Innovation Garage® for this webinar to understand what it takes for your organization to build out it’s innovation and growth capability.

Click HERE to Register

Innovation Breakfast Session – 11 October 2018 8:30AM-10:30AM EST

We’re back with our friends at Baldwin Wallace University’s Center for Innovation & Growth. Get together with local organization innovators to share best practices, network and learn. In this 2 hour session, we’ll cover some basics on strategy for innovation, and share our learnings and best practices for those considering building their organizations internal capability to grow.

Click HERE to Register

Innovation 101 Workshop – 01 November 2018 8:30AM-4:30PM EST

A 1 Day session that provides the basics on Innovation that will help you in your daily work. RIGHT NOW! – No matter your skill, title, or experience.

Everyone Can Innovate – NOW.  

No matter your role in the organization, being more innovative means you can create, communicate, and accelerate ideas for anything. At this 1 day program workshop you’ll experience the fundamentals of the innovation necessary for creating front end ideas for products, processes, and services.

In this workshop you’ll learn the very basics on:

  • How to create ideas and problem solve (with methods 8x more effective than brainstorming).
  • How to communicate ideas in a way that builds them up and sells.
  • How to take an idea from inspiration to reality – FAST
  • MindMapping (Basics as an innovation acceleration tool)
  • Innovation Basics Systems Skills (Create – Communicate – Commercialize)
  • Design Thinking Introductory Skills (Empathy – Define – Ideate – Prototype – Test)

Click HERE to Register

So, Join us… and get to work on that mindset!
#leadership #innovation #growth
At The Innovation Garage®…
We help organizations grow.  We build strategy. We build ideas and coach innovation capability of teams. We design products, services and supply chains. We guide leaders from non-profit, government, startup and the Global Fortune 50 to intentionally self-disrupt their offerings and organizations. We provide world class education, tools and technology on how to craft business operating systems focused on long- term growth.

Entrepreneurship, Growth, Innovation, Leadership
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Leading for Growth – It All Starts with Strategy.

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